A Massive Multitude of Monitors – Mushi no Me

                                                        “Hello, Multi-Monitor.”

I imagine many of you have questions. “What is Mushi no Me?” you might be wondering. “Is it a game I’d like?” you may be pondering. “What exactly is fear and trembling?” you could be puzzling over. Alas, I am here to only answer two of those three inquiries. I must refer you back to Kastel’s post for extensive rereading if you are of the puzzled disposition. But for those who are wondering or pondering, look no further. I have decided to take time out of my busy schedule (of doing absolutely nothing) in order to inform the masses of this relatively unknown little doujin game, in the hope that I can get one or two more people to give it a shot. So for the curious sort who can read Japanese, or the curious sort who can’t and are either bored and killing time or just like knowing about random untranslated games, I hope you enjoy.
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A Massive Multitude of Monitors – Mushi no Me

Lien ~終わらない君の唄~ 「感想」

Lien ~終わらない君の唄~ is a relatively obscure eroge created by Purple Software in the year of our Lord 2000, and written by one 荒川 工 (Arakawa Takumi).  I first came in contact with this title by way of some exceptionally hilarious screenshots fellow 紳士 hayate135 shared with me some months back.  My interest was immediately piqued by the Tanaka Romeo brand humor and what appeared to be some very snappy writing; in a much welcome deviation from the norm, I was not let down on either front.  After doing some research I was surprised to find an utter lack of information on what I feel is a game certainly worth reading, albeit one that hasn’t aged so well on the technical side of things.

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Lien ~終わらない君の唄~ 「感想」

Sakura no Uta: A Slice-of-Life, A Slice-of-Living

I talk about the latest work from Makura, Sakura no Uta (referred to as the former, or SakuUta), as a work to consider under the genre of slice-of-life. For the purposes of discussion, I expand the definition of slice-of-life as a form of mimesis in literature, and base my points on that definition. I then connect Sakura no Uta to the most recent major work of its head writer SCA, Subarashiki Hibi (referred to as the former, or SubaHibi). To synthesize my discussion, I formulate a concept auxiliary to slice-of-life, which I term as ‘slice-of-living’.

The entire game is a sort of love letter. This piece is a reply to that love letter. I assume that anyone reading this has read the game (and SubaHibi), so if you haven’t, do not proceed. Please read the game first. If you really want to read this, you should have a very good excuse to yourself (i.e. dying, never gonna learn Japanese, game probably never getting translated anyway). This is your only warning. Continue reading “Sakura no Uta: A Slice-of-Life, A Slice-of-Living”

Sakura no Uta: A Slice-of-Life, A Slice-of-Living