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あしたの雪之丞 – Fall and Rise

There was once a boy. Handsome, tall, of average figure, accompanied by a downcast look. Inky dark hair, and a countenance seemingly calm, withstanding all trouble and hardships. However, though stoic and reserved, he had a hole right in the center of his chest, becoming deeper and ever so slightly painful. It was consuming him, tormenting him, and ultimately, it defeated him. That hole was called failure. After this fall, he tried to stand up. He mustered all the strength he could, and tried to walk. That very fist step was important, for that step alone would define if he either fell again, or if he would advance. Furthermore, his chest still hurt from his past defeat, and his feet were weighty, for they were tied to shackles. This shackles were his past. Past itself is not what had tormented him, but the deeds he had committed. Finally, the boy was capable to continue walking, now all his concentration focused solely on finding absolution.

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あしたの雪之丞 – Fall and Rise